1 Translations available
"This is the kind of job that needs a bastard to see it through
And as luck would have it
The biggest bastard to ever walk the earth
Just so happens to be right here"
"I don't know what to say about any of this
Just that it's been a pleasure to meet each of you"
"Just 'cause you're dead
Doesn't mean your mission is done"

Mitski Songs Lyrics and Chords
- The End
- The Beginning
- The Baddy Man
- Two Slow Dancers
- Blue Light
- Washing Machine Heart
- A Horse Named Cold Air
- Pink in the Night
- Nobody
- Come Into the Water
- Me and My Husband
- Remember My Name
- Lonesome Love
- A Pearl
- Old Friend
- Why Didn’t You Stop Me?
- Geyser
- I Love Me After You
- I’m Your Man
- Star
- The Frost
- My Love Mine All Mine
- When Memories Snow
- The Deal
- I Don’t Like My Mind
- Heaven
- Buffalo Replaced
- Bug Like an Angel
- That’s Our Lamp
- I Guess
- Should’ve Been Me
- There’s Nothing Left for You
- Love Me More
- The Only Heartbreaker
- Heat Lightning
- Everyone
- Stay Soft
- Working for the Knife
- Valentine, Texas