1 Translations available
I cry at the start of every movie
I guess 'cause I wish I was making things, too
But I'm working for the knife
I used to think I would tell stories
But nobody cared for the stories I had about
No good guys
I always knew the world moves on
I just didn't know it would go without me
I start the day high and it ends so low
'Cause I'm working for the knife
I used to think I'd be done by twenty
Now at twenty-nine, the road ahead appears the same
Though maybe at thirty, I'll see a way to change
That I'm living for the knife
I always thought the choice was mine
And I was right, but I just chose wrong
I start the day lying and end with the truth
That I'm dying for the knife

Mitski Songs Lyrics and Chords
- The End
- The Beginning
- The Baddy Man
- Two Slow Dancers
- Blue Light
- Washing Machine Heart
- A Horse Named Cold Air
- Pink in the Night
- Nobody
- Come Into the Water
- Me and My Husband
- Remember My Name
- Lonesome Love
- A Pearl
- Old Friend
- Why Didn’t You Stop Me?
- Geyser
- I Love Me After You
- I’m Your Man
- Star
- The Frost
- My Love Mine All Mine
- When Memories Snow
- The Deal
- I Don’t Like My Mind
- Heaven
- Buffalo Replaced
- Bug Like an Angel
- That’s Our Lamp
- I Guess
- Should’ve Been Me
- There’s Nothing Left for You
- Love Me More
- The Only Heartbreaker
- Heat Lightning
- Everyone
- Stay Soft
- Working for the Knife
- Valentine, Texas